Admission for studies 2020/2021 – guidelines for universities
Schedule of the matriculation exams this year is already known. Matura exams will begin on June 8, and their results should be known by August 11. Because of that changes we have prepared guidelines on the admission process for the universities.
Verifying admission criteria
Criteria of the admission for academic year 2020/2021 should be verifying taking into account changes of the legal provisions on secondary education, i. e. lack of the oral part of the Matura exam 2020 (including obligatory exams in Polish language and in other modern language) and lack of central stage of contests in respective subjects (no laureates, all pupils that qualified to the central stage were recognised as finalists basing on the existing legal provisions).
Verifying admission schedule
Admission schedules have to be adjusted with the announced schedule of holding Matura exam 2020. Introduction of new dates of Matura exams will result in extension of the admission process. Additionally deadlines for providing increased result of the Matura exam – as a result of the check by the Regional Education Commission (OkrÄ™gowa Komisja Egzaminacyjna) or positive recognition of the appeal by the Educational Arbitration Council (Kolegium Arbitrażu Edukacyjnego) – if that result would allow admission for studies – should be verified as well.
Additional entrance exams
Those exams should be held only in case when characteristic of the studies on the give degree requires additional verification of competences of the candidates, that were not tested during Matura exam. Entrance exams should be held in a way ensuring safety of both candidate and academic staff. It is recommended to held entrance exams with the usage of IT tools, and in case it is impossible – ensuring limited contact between the candidates and academic staff.
Admission procedures
While submitting questionnaires, copies of the documents or photos by the candidates, contact between them and academic staff should be minimised. It is recommended to organize administrative procedures online.
Availability of procedures and transparency of admission results
Because of necessity of introducing changes of both criteria and schedules of the admission process for studies beginning in the academic year 2020/2021 it is particularly important to quickly publish information on all introduced changes on the websites of the universities. Admission results are public – in current situation transparency of rules and admission results is relevant to guarantee all candidates equal rights of admission.
Commencement of classes in academic year 2020/2021
In justified cases, in order to guarantee proper organization and completion of the admission process, slight delay of commencement of studies in academic year 2020/2021 may be possible. According to the communication of the Director of the Central Examination Commission (Cerntralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna) on schedule of holding exams of eight class students and Matura exams in 2020, results of the Matura exam will be announced by August 11 and Matura certificates, annexes and information on results of the Matura exam will be issued. Results of resits will be published by September 30, 2020.
Monitoring information on websites of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Education
Regardless on aforementioned recommendations we encourage to follow information published do the websites of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Education.
The original text in Polish was published on https://www.gov.pl/web/nauka/rekrutacja-na-studia-20202021--rekomendacje-dla-uczelni