European Commission: Polish wages will be rising in 2019
While Poland's unemployment rate keeps dropping, the country is set to record another pay rise next year.
Polish salaries continue to rise
In its latest economic forecast, the European Commission projected an above-average pay increase in Poland next year. In 2019, the country is expected to record a 7 per cent wage growth, compared to the average 2.6 per cent in the European Union. Salaries in Poland grow at a faster rate than in the majority of other member states, yet there is still much of catching up to do - the average monthly wage in Poland is three times lower than the average wage in the European Union.
Unemployment rates still dropping
Poland’s steady rise in wages results from the constantly falling unemployment and a growing demand for qualified workers. Unemployment will continue to decline in the European Union in 2019 - on average, it is expected to drop below 8 per cent in the euro area. However, the existing disparities in unemployment rates between individual member states are likely to persist in the next years. The lowest unemployment rates in 2019 are to be expected in Czech Republic (2.5 per cent), Poland (2.9 per cent) and Germany (3.2 per cent), the highest - in Greece (18.2 per cent) and in Spain (14.4 per cent).
GDP Growth slows down
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth will slow in the European Union to 1.9 per cent in 2019. According to the European Commission, "rising global uncertainty, international trade tensions and higher oil prices will have a dampening effect on growth in Europe." Therefore, GDP growth in member states should be driven mostly by private consumption and investment supported by favourable financing conditions. GDP in Poland is forecast to decrease to 3.7 per cent next year. Despite the slowing pace of growth in the entire union, Poland's economy is still expected to do well: "Among the larger EU economies, Poland, Spain, and the Netherlands are expected to be economic outperformers, with real GDP growth rates above the EU average".