What is the PESEL number and why do you need it in Poland to run your business?
What is the numeric PESEL?
The national identifier number in Poland is PESEL (Polish: Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludnoci, Universal Computer System for Population Registration). It consists of eleven digits for each registered individual that is unique. Why do these things?
Why do I need PESEL for the Polish management of companies?
Any Polish corporation has had to enroll itself in a new registry called Central Registry for Beneficiary Owners since the end of 2019. If the company fails to comply with this responsibility, it will be fined. You would be allowed to apply by electronic means using an e-signature in order to access the Registry.
How to procure PESEL?
If you are a foreigner residing in Poland, you can register your residency by automatically receiving a PESEL number in such a case. If you are unable to register your residency, and a PESEL Number is requested by another entity, request an application by yourself or by using attorney services.
The procedure is described on a Gov site.
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