Germany to Continue Applying Relaxed COVID Entry Rules for Travellers
In one of its most recent press releases, the government said that travellers reaching Germany still do not need to hold proof that they have been vaccinated, recovered, or tested negative, AtoZSerwisPlus.com reports.
The German government explains that the sixth regulation presented by the Federal Ministry of health extends the previous regulation that is set to expire on August 31 until the end of September.
This means that until such a decision is discontinued, all travellers will be permitted restriction-free entry to Germany.
“Entry remains uncomplicated: anyone entering Germany does not have to prove that they have been vaccinated, have recovered or been tested,” the statement of the German government reads.
Apart from announcing that the country will continue to apply relaxed entry rules for travellers, the government pointed out that the exception for virus variant areas remains.
There is currently no country placed on Germany’s virus variant list. However, if a country’s COVID situation worsens and it gets placed on the virus variant list, travellers will have to register electronically before entering Germany on the immigration app.
In addition, they will also have to present a negative PCR test upon entry regardless of their vaccination status and undergo a 14-day quarantine requirement.
While Germany will keep relaxed entry rules for another month, the authorities pointed out that the country will introduce new nationwide measures in October.
According to the government, from October, those who wish to access hospitals and facilities will be subject to the testing requirement.
Additionally, the country will require everyone to wear a face mask when entering planes and other long-distance public transport.
“In certain areas, specific protective measures should apply nationwide – the mask requirement in air and long-distance public transport or a nationwide mask and test certificate requirement for hospitals and care facilities,” the government added.
Such rules will be introduced in order to keep to avoid an increase in infection cases.
The data from the World Health Organization show that Germany has recorded 229,389 new Coronavirus infection cases in the last seven days.
As for the vaccination rates, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) shows that Germany had administered a total of 184,441,214 vaccine doses as of August 25.
ECDC further shows that 93.4 per cent of the entire adult population in Germany has completed primary vaccination, and another 74.2 per cent have received a first booster dose so far.